Exploring the Arts is what we do here!

The Cultural Arts Center is a strong believer in allowing children, adults, and seniors to "try on" and "explore" various forms of artistic expression and find the one that fits them. Our Artists keep up with current trends and work to create classes that are just fun, or have degrees and depths of learning. Through our classes we work to give each student a working vocabulary associated with the artistic discipline, knowledge of the tools and materials required to work in the artistic discipline, an introduction to the principals and design of visual, clay or textile art, and the very basics you need to know so you can take your art with you where ever you go.
We strive to keep our program costs to you as low as possible to allow ease of participation. We raise money from donors in the community to allow us to offer scholarships to those that need financial assistance to participate, children and adults alike. And when you grow past our program skills, we help you seek further instruction to continue your skills growth and learning. We want you to enjoy the artistic discipline you have chosen to learn!

Most of our ARTS Programs are held in the building we fondly call THE MESSY SPACE located at the back of the property facing S. Appletree Street. This building is designed to allow our artists to be creative, i.e. messy, and have fun without worry about carpet, wood, or material.
Located inside THE MESSY SPACE is the Pottery Studio for adults and children alike where we literally play in the clay, and a Ceramics Class where we learn all things associated with painting and glazing ceramics.
2 Visual Arts Studios are available where lessons in watercolors, acrylics, pen & ink, drawing, Mixed Media, paper crafts, crafting, hand lettering/graphics, and more all come alive.
And there are Literary classes often available for storytelling, puppetry, and our favorite "STORY HOUR" for the littles.
A schedule of classes are posted on our this page as a drop down menu for Summer Camps and Afterschool Classes so you can keep a check on all things arts for children. Also sign up to receive the monthly newsletter so you can stay in touch with all the arts we offer for adults and children. Just contact ann@theculturalartscenter.org to become a monthly newsletter member!